i’ve got a life outside of work!

(just barely)

I don’t know about work-life balance, but I’m great at striking a human-dog balance in my life. Too many humans and no dogs makes Sam a very very dull person. I blame my mom for this, she’s fostered over 20 dogs in the past decade, so I’ve become used to always having a dog around.

Here are some of the adorable dogs we’ve been lucky to have at home!



    My favorite dog we’ve ever fostered! I would tell you not to tell the others but I’m sure they already know


    the menace. This is the exact face he would bat at you after doing something he shouldn’t have. Unfortunately it always worked on us

  • Presley

    The most curious and determined dog I’ve known. She could probably take on Mount Everest if she wanted to

  • Bones

    A huge fan of Indian classical music, any food and making all of us run around him


    Where it all started. The first dog we ever fostered. I like to think she was fond of me


    Old enough to be done with the nonsense we pulled. She had places to be when the sun set

  • The most gentle soul. I wouldn't love dogs as much as I do now if not for her


    The most gentle soul. I wouldn't love dogs as much as I do now if not for her

  • Cupcake

    Sharp as a tack. Took him only 3 days to learn tricks we’d spend weeks teaching other dogs

  • FIA

    Mischievous little devil whose love language is jumping on you


Was I sick of coffee for a while after making this video? Yes. Did I have the time of my life pretending to be a food critic while sipping coffee? Absolutely.